Tickets to Coachella 2011 and Coachella All Access Passes..

You may be wondering where to get tickets to Coachella 2011 now that they are sold out.  They sold out nearly the same day they were released. Is this shocking?  Not considering the last Coachella with Jay-Z headlining.  The last one was amazing beyond words.  So it's not that surprising that this years tickets to Coachella 2011 sold out almost immediately.

Die hard fans probably were ready the day they were released and had no issues getting their hands on tickets.  Non die hard fans who may have suddenly decided they want to go probably had or are still having a hard time.

The question is though do the true die hard Coachella lovers and fans want or have Coachella All Access passes?  Of course they have tickets.  There is no doubt about that.  But the interesting thing is that many people don't actually know about All Access Passes because they are not advertised. 

Basically, if all the public knew about the Coachella all Access Passes it would be mayhem.  These tickets offer fans Full Access to the performing artist areas including the trailers, behind the scenes, sides of the stage… with access to literally everything but actual stage itself.

Imagine that.  A VIP access ticket where for 3 days you can have unlimited access to the artists themselves and not just watch them from afar with other fans.  Granted this festival is not just about the top artists or VIP status like other concerts may provide.  (Although the Coachella All Access Passes do define status!)

This festival is among the most communal and open community love the music and love your brother out there.  It isn't just about status and a great night and then go home. It's a take-to-the-grave memorable full experience of fun, love, and music.  It literally can be life changing.  This year’s festival has more than it's share of buzz, and with the past track record and the lineup this year, all the buzz is worth it and for a very good reason!