Not getting rejected by the bouncer at a hot Hollywood nightclub.

New to Hollywood or visiting for the first time?  Want to go out and do the nightclub scene? Going out to the hottest club in Hollywood and out on the town in LA is not as easy as you’d expect.  Figuring out the best nightclubs and having a fun night isn’t as easy as in other cities.  If you don’t know what you’re doing you have higher odds of being rejected by the bouncer.  If you decide to head to the next club or bar you will risk paying cover or being rejected by the bouncer there also. 

People in Hollywood nightlife know that if paying cover you won’t be partying with celebs or socialites.  If you don’t pay a cover charge getting in will be much harder unless you’re a hot girl or group of hot girls but you will be at a hot club,.  If you’re a tourist and go out for the night in search of the hottest club in Hollywood and expect to get in it may not be what you expect. 

Which nightclub you want to go to you should decide ahead of time whether a tourist or new to Hollywood, or aren’t new but don’t keep up with nightlife.  If you are rejected by the bouncer at the hottest club in Hollywood of the moment or just a hot club, it can be a buzzkill and blow to the ego.  Not a fun way to start the night.  If rejected at the first club then the second club you go to will probably be whatever is within walking distance, and the crowd and nightclub won’t be predictable.  It could be fun but won’t be the night you were expecting.

Learn la nightlife on before going out in Hollywood nighclub circuit to help you figure out what’s happening at what club, what is expected and how to get in.  Prevent rejection by the bouncer by reading a little and thought ahead of time.  A little online research ahead can save your night!